Don't panic if you have stocks with good performance and prices don't rise. It will go up sooner or later. Just have tea and watch a play. Over and over again, you will get up before you know it.Market index:The strong pressure is around 3500;
Tomorrow's index trend forecast:Don't panic if you have stocks with good performance and prices don't rise. It will go up sooner or later. Just have tea and watch a play. Over and over again, you will get up before you know it.But don't look around when you invest, just stick to your own direction. Every day, the stock market has hundreds of daily limit, and there are also daily limit. You can't meet them all. Looking at these daily limit tickets, the previous decline is also very speechless. The key is to persist.
Tomorrow's index trend forecast:1. Remember that health comes first, family comes second, work comes third and investment comes fourth!Strong support around 3400
Strategy guide 12-14
Strategy guide
Strategy guide
Strategy guide 12-14
Strategy guide
Strategy guide